Some facts about me:
- I am a non/delay-vaccinating mom.
- We are public and homeschooling our kids (HS from 6th and up)
- We chose circumcision for our sons after much investigation.
- We let our kids self-wean from breast, bottle, and pacifier.
- We co-Sleep from birth if our baby wants to and for as long as they want to.
- I do baby wearing part time.
- I do a mix of disposable and cloth diapering.
- I only recycle aluminum cans and newspapers and I do use paper towels.
- I always question my Dr and do my homework before following their advice.
- We do part organic and part whole foods and part Gluten free diets.
I present these not to start a debate, throw them in your face or say I am better than anyone, I present them to say I am a mom who has made my choices. I gladly listen to others because I never know when I might learn something and if the subject arises I present my side and how I see it with facts to back it up and how I came to it but I never go around trying to make someone feel bad for their choice to use disposables, vaccinate or bottle feed or follow to a T what a Dr says just because I have a difference of opinion; or any of those other topics that seem to be such nightmare hot button issues. I just leave it at that. It's their job to mother their kids with what they see fit and what works for them and my job to do the same. You wouldn't want someone making you feel like a second rate mom, why do think it is OK to do that to me??
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